If you are seeking funding from a bank or private equity provider you will almost always be required to provide accurate and robust financial projections. Financial projections can also have real benefits when used as a reference against which you can compare your businesses performance on an ongoing basis. By having a firm grasp on your business’ current and anticipated performance you are better prepared for future challenges.
We can work with you to produce financial projections for a wide range of purposes, including:
Funding for start-up costs
Typically you will usually be required to produce three years projected accounts including:- profit and loss, balance sheet and cashflow statements. We can also assist you with the production of a business plan.
Funding for capital spending
Such as expansion of your business, acquisition of another business or purchasing new plant, machinery or other assets.
Working Capital
In times where cash flow is tight, banks will usually insist on the production of financial projections to support any new funding.
Economic incentives and grants
Often a condition of such economic support is the production of financial projections.