Spring Newsletter 2020

Spring Newsletter 2020

We’re pleased to share a copy of our spring newsletter with you, download your copy below.

Front page news:

  • major change to company car tax regime
  • your responsibilities if you employ care at home.

Other headline news:

  • new capital gains tax rules on family homes impact married and divorcing couples
  • how to track down a missing National Insurance number
  • new moves to check online bank fraud
  • solutions to the workplace skills crisis.

Feature: New year resolutions for family companies – take stock of your tax position:

  • profit extraction
  • directors’ loans
  • pensions for directors
  • planning to ensure future availability of reliefs such as Entrepreneurs’ Relief and Business Property Relief.

Here to help

We are always delighted to advise in any of these areas.

Please do contact us for further information on any of these subjects – or to suggest a topic we haven’t covered. Your views are always important to us and we welcome your feedback.

Let's work together to improve your business.

Call us today on 0141 848 7474, email us at mail@johnmtaylor.co.uk or click here to send us a message.

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